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Keyboard Shortcuts:
The left mouse button can be immitated with the following keys:
The "d" key
The "f" key
The space bar
The return key
The down directional arrow key
The right directional arrow key
The right mouse button can be immitated with the following keys:
The "u" key
The "b" key
The backspace key
The delete key
The up directional arrow key
The left directional arrow key
Clicking on the Page gadget will put EasyReader back into Reading mode, cancelling out any mode that may have already been selected.
This gadget also has a "Go to page" feature which allows you to move to any page in the document by simply typing in its number, then hitting the "Return" key or clicking on the "OK" gadget.
The Bookmark gadget allows you to save your place as you browse through the rest of the document as well as go to any bookmark you had previously placed.
Selecting the "Mark" gadget allows you to set a bookmark for the current page. Marking multiple pages allows for easy cross-referencing during a reading session, especially when reading large documents. For your convenience, we have included five
preset names. Simply double-click on the name you want and EasyReader will mark the page and return you to Reading mode. Should you wish to input a name of your choice, type it into the text gadget and hit the "Return" key or click on "OK".
Selecting the "Goto" gadget will allow you to move to any bookmark that has already been placed. Placed bookmarks will appear with an asterix(*) next to their name, as well as the page number they are marking. Simply double-click on the bookmark
you want, or click once on the bookmark and select "OK". EasyReader will flip to the selected page and return you to Reading mode.
To exit from Bookmark mode, hit the "Esc" key, click on "Cancel", or select the Page gadget up in the title bar.
Clicking on this gadget will put EasyReader into Cut mode. With this mode, EasyReader will allow you to copy text from the document into other programs that support the clipboard device.
While holding down the left mouse button, highlight the text you wish to "cut", then release the left mouse button. The highlighted text will be copied into the clipboard, and can be retrieved by any program that supports use of the clipboard, such as the AmigaDOS shell, or any number of text editors, by selecting "Paste" from the menu or by typing "Right Amiga-v".
Using this gadget again before pasting the previous text into it's destination will overwrite the clipboard buffer.
To exit from Cut & Paste mode, hit the "Esc" key or select the Page gadget up in the title bar.
The Search gadget gives you access to two different ways to navigate around the current document.
1) The Text gadget allows you to search for any particular word you choose. Simply type in the word you want and hit the "Return" key or click on the "OK" gadget.
The word you are searching for, if found, will appear highlighted on the page. Using the left and right mouse buttons will allow you to go forward and backward thru the document for other occurances of that word. Otherwise, you will be told that
the word could not be found and EasyReader will return you to Reading mode.
2) Clicking on the "HyperSearch" gadget will give you the ability to double-click on the word you would like to search for other occurances of. Using the mouse buttons will allow you to go forward and backward thru the document while EasyReader searches for the selected word. Otherwise you will be told that the word could not be found and EasyReader will return you to Reading mode.
To exit from the Search and HyperSearch modes, hit the "Esc" key or select the Page gadget up in the title bar.
The Disk gadget will call up the ASL file requester if you are using Workbench2.0 and above. This allows you to select a new file, or files, from within EasyReader. The currently loaded document will be replaced.
This gadget will print the current file using your system's printer preferences. A printing gauge will appear to show you how the job is progressing.
This is the Help gadget. The mouse buttons will allow you to go forward and backward thru the instructions. Click on "Quit" or hit the "Esc" key to escape from this mode.
The Zoom gadget will iconify EasyReader onto the Workbench screen in the form of a title bar at the top right.
To reactivate EasyReader, click on the title bar with your left mouse button, then click your right mouse button. EasyReader will return to the same page you had iconified from.